Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Quimper, le 9 juin

Thanks for the comments guys! It's really funny - when I opened the comments it said "garrett a dit..." and "wanyu a dit..." I think I prefer my blog to be in French! Well, I've been here 4 days now... I've had a couple of days off, so spent yesterday with Yvette (who will be staying in the hostel for a while because she's working in a hotel in Quimper over the summer, but went away travlling for a week yesterday) and Fabien. Yvette is actually a French Canadian, so it's really interesting to speak French with her as she has quite an unusual accent! She's been teaching me some French Canadian words too, so I'm going to end up with a weird mix of accents and vocab! We all spoke in French yesterday the whole day, even though Yvette is bilingual in French and English, and Fabien (from Switzerland) is fluent in English too. Today though I had a day off and I spent it on my own, and because I hadn't really spoken all day (and I was thinking in English), when I did speak French it was all Englishy and rubbish. Oh well, work tomorrow, so will switch back into French mode! (Ew, i'm drinking tea and it tastes like washing-up liquid...) Anyway, I spent the day at a place called Concarneau (I think the spelling's right!), which was amazing... The old part of the town is based on a tiny, walled island near the port, which you have to access by bridge. There's a really great ice-cream stand near the entrance (I had profiterolles flavour! yum!) Next week I'm planning on going to Belle Ile, which apparently is a beautiful island, ha ha, and also Carnac, which is basically the French Stonehenge. I think I'll be on Belle Ile for my birthday, which will be nice. Although I heard the weather is going to turn next week and rain... There are no people at all staying at the hostel tonight, but I guess I should appreciate the peace and quiet before the hockey team arrives (they've requested dinner too, so me and the guy who runs the hostel will have to make the dinner.... Wanyu, should I give them some frozen cheesecake!?) There's a Japanese lady coming to stay on the 11th, so might be able to get a bit of Japanese practice in there. Anyway, off back to the hostel now to get something to eat. Will write more soon. Gros bisous, Jenny


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Jenny, your days in Quimper sounds very interesting and relaxing in the way that you can travel alone and meet new people. The hostel sounds like a alternative language school : ), ha! But it's great, you are an excellent language learner!!!
Yes, you should serve frozen cheezsecake with strawberries as well and say that it's a special recipe for summer and the ocean. (Wanyu made that to greet the comming summer.)
Hostel is somehow a very strange place full of philosophy of life, isn't it?!

Gros bisous a toi aussi. (haven't practiced French for a long while, hope it's grammatically correct ; ))

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are bringing back fond memories of when I used to go to Brittany, I remember Concarneau well. It has a very nice street market.

I am sure you will really enjoy Carnac, that place is very cool. The megalithics are very impressive (more so than Stonehenge in my opinion), and the town is very interesting, split between an old high town, and the newer beach town which is very trendy. Nearby Vannes is also interesting, a very beautiful old city.

Je suis très jaloux.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is always amazing to meet new people, new culture, new scenaries. Enjoy.


12:21 PM  
Blogger Koji said...


6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jenny, yet another very interesting entry--well written!! plus, thanks for your emails!! i'm well fed by my mum, thanks for your concern! the heat here's splendid.

10:52 AM  
Blogger jennywren said...

Koji and Yoshi, I'm sorry but I can't read your messages. Your message is a series of squares. Damn these French computers!

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonjour Jenny,

Je lis ton blog tous les jours et je trouve que tu es une jeune fille très débrouillarde et intelligente. Je demeure au Québec donc au Canada comme Yvette et j'ai un B&B à Magog dans les Cantons-de-l'est. Ce que tu fais comme travail à l'auberge reflète très bien mon rythme de vie ici. Continue à écrire tes états d`âme et une petit mot pour te dire que ce que Koji et Yoshi ont écrit, moi je le vois en caractère chinois! à la prochaine,

Christiane du Canada

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

caractère chinois? non, caractère japonais....

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oups! je ne savais pas,
Crissy du Canada

10:24 PM  

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