Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Monday, May 09, 2005

is it the right decision?

I'm wondering about the decision I made to teach. Is it the right decision? Will I be able to manage and enjoy it at the same time? Is it going to be a complete waste of time and will I drop out? I hate to fail, but because of this I know that whatever happens I will see it through (so many times I almost failed but I didn't). But I worry about being unhappy and lonely, and what's the point in that when we should be enjoying life? But I'm not so happy with what I'm doing now (I need a challenge and motivation) and I saw and admired so many of my colleagues in Japan and thought that someday I'd like to be like them... And many of my friends who are teachers I admire too. I think I can do it, and I hope I can. Despite what others say... Somebody tell me I can!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny, of course you can!! Teaching itself might be tiresome but is in fact very enjoyable. Changes and challenges are very precious; and only brave people can cope with changes and take up challenges. You are so young, the challenge will become something memorable in your life.
(sorry that I sound so much like a teacher : ()

I was quite worried when I became a teacher about 2 years ago, but the teaching was so rewarding that I even keep in touch with some of my students. The experience of teaching changed my life attitudes a lot.
I enjoy being able to help my students and love them.
You will be a very good teacher because of your courage and uniqueness.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenny, I think you can, of course!

One important thing is you gotta love the job then you'll do it well. Teaching isn't editing-- you can dislike editing but still be a good editor, but if you resent teaching, you'll hate your students too, because you'll see them gradually turning into meaningless objects in front of you every weekday.

Oh, sorry what nonesense I'm on about--you've got more teaching experience than I do really.....

9:36 PM  
Blogger jennywren said...

Hi Wanyu and Wanchen

Thank you for your comments. When I'm struggling next year you have to keep on telling me things, ok? I would like to be a great teacher, but it gets me down when so many people I know in teaching in this country complain about it, and the workload, so I begin to doubt myself. I know how it feels to have a great lesson and have the kids be really enthusiastic, so I have to bear that in mind... so that it will help me get through the bad days. I'm sorry, I think (and worry) too much!

9:45 PM  

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